Santiago de Queretaro 2023 - photo by Alejandro Ruiz

photo by Alejandro Ruiz



Valerio Perino alias Tempio Industriale was born in 1982 in Turin (Italy), the city of FIAT and of the Holy Shroud, a place where an industrial and a religious tradition coexist. He is graduated with a dissertation in Sociology of Religion and thanks to his job as stage manager he has the possibility of traveling a lot and being inspired by the reality of many countries were the spirituality is still one of the pillars of the society.

For some years now he has lived and created his works between Turin and Santiago de Queretaro, one of the iconic cities of the mexican tradition. Hence the inspiration to mix official iconography with contemporary popular religiosity. In Mexico he collaborates with various art galleries, while in Italy he exhibited his works in religious spaces including the Ucai branch in Albenga, the Diocesan Museum of Cortemilia and the Hermitage of Santa Caterina. In 2020, his installation entitled "Industrial Temple", a proper contemporary industrial chapel, was selected to participate in the edition of Paratissima as part of the "Think Big!" Section.